Music Similarity Ranking: Case Study Fairphonic


  • Rayhan Kharisma Universitas Indonesia
  • Denny



Fairphonic, HPCP, Chroma, Rhythm Pattern


Fairphonic Pte Ltd is a technology company operating in the music sector. Fairphonic provides services to detect content on social media that is suspected of copyright infringement. Fairphonic utilizes audio features for the detection process. The current algorithm used by Fairphonic requires pairwise comparison, and the content to be compared is collected through a scraping process immediately after the process is run. Fairphonic has hundreds of thousands of music data in their database. Fairphonic desires a more scalable algorithm to compare an input music piece with the entire Fairphonic music catalog. This research uses features such as Harmonic Pitch Class Profile (HPCP), Chroma, and Rhythm Pattern. The study compares previously researched algorithms, namely binary similarity matrix, Euclidean distance, and similarity matrix profile. The results show that the combination of HPCP with the binary similarity matrix yields the highest Mean Average Precision of 0.989. Speed testing by performing comparisons 10 times shows that the combination of Chroma and the similarity matrix profile is 72% faster compared to the combination of HPCP with the binary similarity matrix. The author recommends the Chroma and similarity matrix profile algorithm for music similarity ranking due to its faster process.


