Optimization of Voting Techniques in Sentiment Analysis of The 2024 Presidential Election Using Machine Learning


  • Kharisma Rahayu Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • M. Khairul Anam Samudra University
  • Lusiana Efrizoni Indonesia University of Science and Technology
  • Nurjayadi Indonesia University of Science and Technology
  • Triyani Arita Fitri Indonesia University of Science and Technology




Presidential Election, Machine Learning, SMOTE, Ensamble, Voting


The presidential election is an important event in the democratic system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia or NKRI held every five years. There are many pros and cons of the presidential election, especially on social media Twitter or X. X is one of the media platforms where people leave positive, neutral, and even negative comments. Therefore, this research aims to build a sentiment analysis model to classify the sentiment of the 2024 presidential election. This research uses the Support Vector machine, Naïve Bayes and Decision Tree algorithms in performing classification with the addition of the Syntethic Minority Over-Sampling and Ensemble Voting methods. The test results show that public sentiment towards the presidential election dominates negative sentiment of 5008 positive 3582 and neutral 1411 sentiments. Then the results of data processing SVM, NB and DT algorithms plus SMOTE and ensemble voting optimization, provide 92.8% accuracy, 93% precision, 93% recall and 93% F1-Score. This research can make a significant contribution by classifying public sentiment towards the 2024 presidential election data.


