Analysis and Design of e-Commerce Application “PALMARKET” based on Mobile Android as a Media for Selling Quality Palm Seeds and Seeds


  • Maudy Hellena Harlyn
  • Fajar Maulana
  • Ardila
  • Ratu Mutiara Siregar
  • Amru Yasir
  • Tuty Ningsih
  • Friska Anggraini Barus Institut Teknologi Sawit Indonesia
  • Rahmad Dian



In this digital era, the use of e-commerce mobile applications is very useful to reach sales and purchases widely and is easy, fast and convenient to use for the community. Until now, there has not been found e-commerce that is devoted to selling seeds and plant seeds, especially oil palm plants that can be trusted. In fact, there are many farmers who buy the wrong seeds, resulting in long-term problems in the oil palm plantation industry whose production is decreasing. Therefore, the sale of seeds and plant seeds needs support through a trusted e-commerce Mobile Application so that farmers do not need to be afraid to buy quality oil palm seeds. The development method used in this research uses the Waterfall method. The results of this study are in the

form of e-commerce Mobile Application as a means of buying and selling oil palm seeds and seeds that are easy and reliable throughout the region


