Text Classification Performance Optimization Based on Aspect-Based Analysis and Hybrid Deep Learing Model


  • Salsabila Rabbani Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Agustin Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Susandri Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Rahmiati Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • M. Khairul Anam Universitas Samudra




Aspect-based analysis, CNN-LSTM, Deep learning, Palestine-Israel, Text classification


The conflict between Palestine and Israel has generated strong debates and reactions on social media, including in Indonesia. Public perception of various aspects is certainly important to identify issues in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. However, the process of manually classifying aspects of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict requires human resources and considerable time. This research aims to explore the views of Indonesians on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict through sentiment analysis based on aspects of Territory, Religion, Politics, and History. Using deep learning technology, specifically a combination model of Convolutional Neural Networks with Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM), this research analyzes opinion and views data collected from X social media platform (Twitter). This research shows the results of the dataset obtained that the Political aspect dominates more than other aspects. The model evaluation results obtained an accuracy value of 96%, which indicates that the model's ability to classify X users' sentiments towards the Palestinian-Israeli conflict achieved a high level of success.


