Deep Learning Algorithms for Detecting and Mitigating DDoS Attacks


  • Soran Hamad Erbil Polytechnic university
  • Shavan Askar Erbil Polytechnic University
  • Farah Sami Khoshaba Erbil Polytechnic University
  • Sozan Maghdid Erbil Polytechnic University
  • Nihad Abdullah Erbil Polytechnic University


cyber security, deep learning, ddos attack


Raising the threat of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks means that high and adapted detection tools are required now more than ever. This research focuses on exploring the latest solutions in preventing DDoS attacks and emphasizes how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is involved in enhancing end-to-end detection techniques. Through the analysis of several key approaches, this work notes that AI-guided models quickly identify and counteract any unusual traffic patterns that may indicate an oncoming DDoS attack. Essential aspects towards creating more resilient networks against such attacks include machine learning algorithms, sophisticated data analytics together with AI based detection systems for traffic pattern recognition. Importantly, AI does well in behavioral analysis because it can distinguish and adapt to changing attack vectors. Additionally, it puts AI into perspective as making positive mitigation strategies possible that contain quick interferences such as temporary halt of traffic, rerouting and targeted block listing with real time control panel operations. On the contrary, current DDoS detection prevention techniques remain critically addressed of persistent challenges and limitations fundamental to them. From what emerges, they should always be ready for innovation and improvement because of how attacks might evolve over time. This paper aligns itself with the position that AI-driven detection mechanisms are natural to network security against DDoS attacks. It underlines the importance of integrating AI-based solutions with conventional practices in order to enhance network resilience and efficiently counteract cyber threats that are evolving all the time.

Author Biography

Shavan Askar, Erbil Polytechnic University

Dr. Shavan Askar (Professor of Computer Networks since 15/3/2023). He received his PhD degree in Electronic Systems Engineering from the University of Essex\UK in 2012. He obtained his MSc (2003) and BSc (2001, Ranked 1st on the college) degrees from the Control and Systems Engineering Dept. Baghdad. Dr. Askar works in the field of Networks that includes Internet of Things, Software Defined Networks, Optical Networks, and 5G. Dr. Askar has started his academic career in 2003 when he was appointed as a lecturer at the University of Duhok Iraq until 2008 when he was granted a scholarship to do his PhD degree that commenced in October 2008 and finished successfully in June 2012. Dr. Askar then returned to Iraq to pursue his academic career at the University of Duhok for the period 2012-2016 by supervising master students, teaching post-gradatue courses, and became project manager of so many strategic projects in Kurdistan. In 2016, Dr. Askar joined Duhok Polytechnic University as the Director General of Scientific Research Center, his role includes apart from teaching post-graduate students, contributing to the development of the university from the technological and scientific perspectives. Since 2017, Dr. Askar beside his DPU job is working as an Adjunct Professor at the American University of Kurdistan, he contributed into the establishment of a new program called Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering\College of Engineering, he teaches different courses in this program. Dr. Askar has more than 95 scientific research papers, some of his papers were published in very prestigious conferences such as OFC and ECOC and high impact factor journals. While he was in UK, he worked as a Researcher in two European projects; MAINS project (Metro Architecture enabling Sub wavelengths) and ADDONAS project (Active Distributed and Dynamic Optical Network Access Systems).


